Sunday, January 3, 2010

the return of Monday...

On a completely different note. I go back to work tomorrow. It seems two weeks worth of Christmas vacation flew by. Here and gone in a blink of an eye. I am now looking foreward to Spring Break, in March, Easter Break, in April and summer vacation at the end of May.

We have an in service day tomorrow, first half of the day will be some stupid training. And I do mean stupid. Love and Logic, it seems like a good program, but not for the age group I teach. I think I might have to speak up tomorrow and say that. The second half will consist of us working on our classrooms. Normally, I would have spent all day in the classroom today, hours and hours of work, which I would not get paid for and would never get recognized for. Instead this year, I am home this cold Sunday afternoon, taking care of me and mine. Work will have to get done tomorrow, at work. I intend on minimizing the amount of work I bring home on a daily basis and on a weekend basis. There is no reason I should be killing myself with so much work.

Truth be told, I don't think I am all that excited to start work again. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do. Teaching, I believe, is my call in life. It's just frustrating, I feel these parents are trying to do my job for me, by teaching their children stuff they aren't required know let alone master in first grade. I mean come on! I have parents who 'work' their daughter from the moment she gets home from school until its her bed time. Reall? What good can come of that? No wonder the kid is always socializing during school. She is unable to be a kid while at home. I have other parents who give kids 'classwork' to do while at home. They then proceed to inform me, their child has not problem completing the work at home...yes, that's great and dandy, but we have 21 first graders this year. They need to be able to complete the work while 20 other kids are acting a fool.
I am not teaching to make friends out of six year olds. They don't have to like me, they really don't , neither do their parents, but they do need to respect me and the school and the rules. I am hopeful that this second semester will be a positive one. it will be good. I believe that.
It will be good.
It will be good.
It will be good.
It will be good.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

day one, compeleted

It is, 4:33 PM, Sunday afternoon. I have completed day one, of my 30 day EA Sports Active Challenge. I burnt 142.1 calories and felt the burn, especially in my thighs. It felt good :) I am also happy to report I have only used 7 WW points thus far. Breakfast consisted of 1 fiber pop tart and some coffee, lunch consisted of a spring salad and a bowl of potato soup. I have decided to not track my activity points on WWonline. I know me and I will try to trade any activity points for food points. And we can't have that. Not this time around. This time will be different. This time I will indeed, succeed.

I am also very pleased to announce, my husband is currently working on his EA Sports Active work out. He hasn't worked out in many months and will most likely be sore in the AM, but it's good for him. I want him healthy. I want us healthy.

Will post tomorrow regarding day 2.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Me and the Wii Fit

So my husband, Mauro and I got ourselves a Wii and a Wii Fit for Christmas. It is our goal to effectively use the Wii Fit to help achevie our goal of losing weight. Notice, I said goal, not resolution. I got the idea earlier today, from a friend, to blog about the whole experience. I have been 'trying' and by trying I mean half assing it, for the past year to lose weight and have failed. I have failed and fallen flat on my ass, having gained three pounds over christmas break. So now, now I'm taking it public. I am making myself publicly accountable for my, my success and my downfalls. I plan on blogging at least once a week on my progress. Posting my weight (165 to be exact), posting my weight watchers point #WW usage and and my Wii Fit/EA Active results.

I also plan on being more outspoken this year and to stop letting 'fear of', run my life. I have always allowed my 'fear of' what might happen or how someone might react, stop me from speaking what I think. I intend on changing that. Mind you, I don't want to be disrespectful or rude in doing this. I just want to be open and honest.